Washington D.C. Aug. 23. 1873.
I am happily your debtor for the Farewell —a fine chromo lithograph. Several of my friends have been very favorably impressed by it and consider it a fine specimen of Art. For my own part, inheriting from some of my unknown progenitors a large fondness for out door life—and for out door views—and having from some cause, a warm side for landscape paintings, I very easily fell in love with this "farewell" picture. Altogether with my five or six Chromos all from your Fine Art Publishing House in Boston, I feel quite rich in pictures. I would venture a word of special praise for the Farewellif my judgement in such matters were worth anything and if such praise were not liable to be thought a cheap way of paying for a future gift in the same [line?]. Please accept my thanks for the picture and also for the help you are rendering to civilization through the Fine Arts.
Yours Very Truly
Frederick Douglass
L. Prang & Co.
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