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Our Democratic rulers affect great surprise at the outrageous fraud and cheating of our city government which has of late been brought to light. The Board of Health has been hauled up to the Bar to answer to the charge of corruption and Fraud. Mr. Wm. McMullen alias Bill McMullen has been or is to be held to answer to the charge of aiding in Election frauds, under twenty three different indictments. But Pshaw! Nothing will every be heard farther about it.—This McMullen is notoriously the leader of moyamensing rowdies; he can poll more votes, we believe, and command a greater crowd than any one man in Philadelphia. If the truth were known, we suspect that it would reveal the fact that he is better known to many of our high Democratic officials, than some of the unsuspecting think for.
Col. Forney looks quite chop-fallen since his return from Washington. It is reported here abouts that he has been set adrift from the White House by the very man who would never have reposed beneath its shades had it not been for the Col's labor last fall, all of which Forney stoutly denies, saying that he and Buchanan are excellent friends.
In a few days Philadelphia will have, like New York, Passenger cars running through her streets. She has actually got the rails laid, and everything seems ready for cars, horses, and bells. New York will have to stop calling us a suburban district now at any rate.
What has become of our good friend "Rock?"
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