


Status: Incomplete


368.16 I often< ... > afterwards] I have

often < ... > since
366. 18 I listened] - have 368.25 "Appeal in Favor of That
Class of Americans Called Africans,"]
"appeal for that class of Americans
called Africans,"
368.34 which] BX I: who
368.35 Grimke] Grimke
368.39 upon pioneer] BX I: - the 368.39-369.1 in advancing the
education] BX I: in the advancing
369.8 Letter] letter
369.12 Joslyn] Goslin
369.32 name Sallie Holley, the] name
370.6 Amarancy] Amorancy
370.8 were] BI: was
370.9 Goulds] Goolds
370.9 Shroves] Shoves
371.7 of] Bl: for
371.8 has] have
*372.1-374.7 XIX. I
reflections and convictions. I~ As< ... >
me.] A3: XIX. I~ On< . . > CONC L USIO!'i.
3 72.12 race] space
373 . 13 nor] BXI: or
375.1 THIRD PART. I <single rule>]

375.2 I.] BXI : II\
*375.3-5 LATER < ... > work. ] BX I:
- < ... > work- The anti-slavery
375 .6 preceding] BX I; preceeding
3 75.21 embarrassed] BX I; embarassed
376.23 what] BX!: What
377 .19 require] BX I; requires
378.2 Wendell] BX I: Wendall
378.6 become] BX I: be come
3 78.7 reconstruction] construction


378.9 II.] 2/\
378.10- 11 ANTI-SLAVERY. I The antislavery movement.] BX I
378.15 received] BX I: recived
378.30 counter-fire] BX I: _/\_
378.33 essayed] BX I: assayed
379. 1 abolitionist) BX I: abolitionists
379.10 undervalue] BX I: under value
379.23 III.) Y'
379.24 A < .. > COU RSE] BX I
379.25- 28 Inaugurati on < .. . > Nation .]

3 79.26 Vice-President] ___ ,,
3 79.29 remarkable] BX I: reamrkable
380. 12 dignitaries J BX I: dignataries
380. 19 was] were
380.27 the J BX I: tha
380.34 ex-President] BX I: ex president
381 .16 forgotten] BX I: forgotton
381. 34 Guiteau] BX I: Giteau
382 .3 good tum] BX I: goodtum
382.5 Guiteau] BX I: Giteau
382.16-17 counter-man:hingj AX I:
382.18 threaten] BX I: threatem
382.20 Guiteauj BX I: Giteau
383.25- 26 self-indulgent] BX I: - · 383.35 disappointed] BX I:
384.7 embarrassment ] BX I:
384.9 success] BX I. succes
384. 11 amiable] BX I: aimable
384.21 repentant] BX I: repentcnt
384.23 local self-government] BX I:



384.30 and those who fo ught) and who
had fought
385 .8 applied) BX I: aplied
385.9 Mr.] BX I: MR.
385 . 12 Owen] BXI: Ow in
385. 13 None] Neither

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