


Status: Complete



385.17 amiable] BX I; aimable
385 .24 he] BX I; the
386 9 without] BX I; with out
386.14 IY.] BXl:4"
386 I 5-17 RECORDER < ... >
heggars.] BX I
386.30 were] BX I: was
387.4 black man: not] BX I:
387 27 stationary] BX I: stationery
388.22 While] BX I: Whiile
388 27 28 circumstances] BX I:
l. 1rcu mstsnce
389.28 bondage."] BX I:-:"
WO. I VJ 5·
3902 - 6 PRESIDENT < .. > Blaine]
_,lJO. 7 comfortable J BX I: confortable

390 _, I represented J HX I: represnted
_N O 38 political) BX I: pilitical
_N 1. 12 representation] BX I: representa
_, 111 . 17 States) BX I: S States
_,\/ I 2(1 otlice of all J BX I: office all
_N~ IX party) BX I: paryy
,\/.t22 \lr.) BXI: MR.
_,l/4 .28 Cleveland"s] BX I: Cle\eland·s
_,\J4J I \\ idespread) BX I: wide spread
J 1J55Vl.JBXl:6'
,</56 7THE < > Hall .]BXI
_,9;; 9 increasing) BX I: incresing
3%.2 appointed I BX I: appoint ed
J%.3 well as the] BX I: well the
3%.6 in the time] in time
.1%. 19 about) to
.1%.29 "Life) BXI: "My Life
., l/fi 29 30 said. I ii ''I] BX I: - . ..
.1%.30 e\·ening ... J BX I: - .
.1%38 feeling) BX I: feel ing
.197.1 "We]"397.4 'When] .. _
.197.7 west.') __..

397.8 "But] "397 .13 to protect] BX I ; to,protect
397. I 5 "The] "397.20 "We] "397.23 development] BX I;
397 .26 aftercoming] BX I; after coming
397.26-27 when men] BX I; - the men
397.29 overhaul] BX I; over haul
397 .29 proceedings] BX I; proceedings
397 .31 "F rorn] "397 .34 "Fellow-citizens] - " 398.4 incidental] BX I; incendental
397.6 "But] "397.1 l "In] " 397.16 "To] "397.21 "'No] ·397.26 "Now ] " 399.2 irresistible J BX I: irresistable
399.3 ··inasmuch] "399.7 "All] A _
399.19 "Now] "399.25 "We] ""399.25 Supreme] BX I: Su(preme
399.27 liberties of] BX I:-. 399.39 "What] ""400.3 "We] ' 400.8 "It] ~400.11 " It]
400.20 " In] "400.33 are] BX I: is
400.34 "Bad] -~401.5 "The] "40 I. IO "Color] "40 I. IO Republic like] BX I: - of
401.21 "But] "401 .24 'What] .. _
40 I .24 weakness'l] -'l"
401 .25 power'>']-'?"
401.26 ·Jreland 1 ' ] " - 1"
401.29 "Fellow-citizens] "401.34 "To-day] "--A _

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