


Status: Complete



4 I4. 11 Fontainebleau] BX I;
414.17 plumbit] BX I; plummit
414.25 Bernard] BX I; Benard
414 .35 Fourvieres] BXI: Fourvieres
415.8 pontifical magnificence] BXl ;and 415.11 to) BXI: -,
415.20 overlooking] BX I: over looking
415.28 ,ipinion 's ] BX I: opinions
41 (1. 7 \\ as J were
416.17 convictions J BX I: convictinns
416.26 \1artial J BX I: Marshal
416 .27 more] BXI: most
41 <d3 awhile] BX I: awhile
4171 men.] BXI: - ·1
4 I 7J3 Jib-like] BX I: - .
41 -., 7 warehouses J BX I: ware-houses
41 -:;x Chateau J BX I: Chateau
41 "'Jx d·111 0 ·1r
41 -; Jl) lk't\\ ork J BX I: net-work
418.1 irresistible J BX I: irresistable
418 .4 morning] BX I: morn in
418. l () ha\ e J BX I: has
418 . 14 far-famed J BX I: farfamed
418 .25 Phillips] BXI: Philips
418 .25 \ 1sited J BX I: bi sited
418 .26 continent oil BX I: continentof
418 .27 Tabernacle on] tabernacle in
418 .32 Philippe] BX I: Philip
41 s . heights J BX I : height
41 S. 35 described) describes
418 ., 6 in \iew] BXI : inniew
41 S.39 upon J BX I: uponn
41 lJ. l) desire to J BX I: desiresto
4llJ . 15 fresco work] BXI: frescoe - .
420.8 Counts] Courts
420. 17 attract the J BX I: attractthe
420.24 lodestone J load-stone
420 ..10 sti II J BX I: stil
420.33 New] BX I: new
420.39 disappointed] BX I:


421.1 disappointment] BX I;

421 .5 disappointment] BX I;

421.18 Catiline] BX I; Cataline
421.22 Bethlehem] BX I; Bethleham
421.25 .. .spared] BX I; ##### 421.29 tyrants'] -"
422.10 destruction] BX I; destrucion
422.13 one who has] none - have
422.16 the] BX!; tthe
422.28 elite] elite
423.11 gateways] BX I; gate-ways
423.19 ecclesiastics] BX I: eccliastics
424.2 nowhere] BX I: no where
424.8 magnificence] BX I:

424.8 gain] BX I: gains
424 . 12 outsides] outside
424.13 wealth] BX I: welath
425.24 were] BX!: was
425.35 hours·] BX I: _1'
425.38 sea.] BX I: - ..
426.7 but] BX!: but
426. 15- 17 imagination. Mrs. Douglass
and myself were much indebted to the
kindness of Rev. J. C. Fletcher and wife
during our stay in this celebrated city. I
.- When] BX I: imagination . I~ When
426.28 many] BX I: .any
426.36 irresistible] BX I: irresistable
427.8 amiable] BX I: aimable
427.9 old] BX!: -.
427. IO passed] pass
427.11 left] leave
427 . 12 were] are
427.18 entered] BX I: enter
427.26 alongside] BX I: along side
427 .30 negro."] BX!: - ."
427.36 them.] BX I:-"
428.14 powers,] BX I: - ..

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