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time, towards "those who go down to the sea in ships."Ps. 107:23. "Free trade and sailors' rights""Free trade and sailors' rights" refers to the slogan adopted by America during the War of 1812. "Free trade" refers to the ability of one nation to conduct its commercial affairs without interference by a foreign power, and "sailors' rights" refers to the practice of impressment aboard American and British ships. Before and during the War of 1812, it became a war cry of the Americans and could often be seen on banners flying above American ships. Ransom H. Gillet, Democracy in the United States (New York, 1868), 41-42; Alfred Thayer Mahan, Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812, 2 vols. (London, 1905), 1:135-36; Donald R. Hickey, The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict (Urbana, Ill., 1989), 156-57. expressed the sentiment of the country just then. In my clothing I was rigged out in sailor style. I had on a red shirt and a tarpaulin hatHat worn by sailors, made of canvas impregnated with tar to make it waterproof. and black cravat,An article of clothing, usually worn by men, tied around the neck. tied in sailor fashion, carelessly and loosely about my neck. My knowledge of ships and sailor's talk came much to my assistance, for I knew a ship from stem to stern,Fore to aft, or front to back. and from keelson to cross-trees, and could talk sailor like an "old salt."A common nickname for a well-seasoned sailor. On sped the train, and I was well on the way to Havre de GraceA community in northeast Maryland on the Chesapeake Bay. Originally settled in 1658, it was incorporated as a town in 1785, burned by the British in the War of 1812, and rebuilt. Seltzer, Gazetteer of the World, 767. before the conductor came into the negro car to collect tickets and examine the papers of his black passengers. This was a critical moment in the drama. My whole future depended upon the decision of this conductor. Agitated I was while this ceremony was proceeding, but still externally, at least, I was apparently calm and self-possessed. He went on with his duty—examining several colored passengers before reaching me. He was somewhat harsh in tone, and peremptory in manner until he reached me, when, strangely enough, and to my surprise and relief, his whole manner changed. Seeing that I did not readily produce my free papers, as the other colored persons in the car had done, he said to me in a friendly contrast with that observed towards the others: "I suppose you have your free papers?" To which I answered: "No. sir; I never carry my free papers to sea with me." "But you have something to show that you are a free man, have you not?" "Yes, sir." I answered; "I have a paper with the American eagle on it, and that will carry me round the world." With this I drew from my deep sailor's pocket my seaman's protection, as before described. The merest glance at the paper satisfied him, and he took my fare and went on about his business. This moment of time was one of the most anxious I ever experienced. Had the conductor looked closely at the paper, he could not have failed to discover that it called for a very different looking person from myself, and in that case it would have been his duty to arrest me on the instant, and send me back to Baltimore from the first station. When he left me with the assurance that I was all right, though much relieved, I realized that I was still in great danger; I was still in Maryland, and subject to arrest at any moment. I saw on the train several persons who would have known me in any other clothes, and I feared they might recognize me, even in my sailor "rig,"Slang for a nautical uniform. and report me to the conductor, who would then subject me to a closer examination. which I knew well would be fatal to me.

Though I was not a murderer fleeing from justice I felt perhaps quite as miserable as such a criminal. The train was moving at a very high rate of speed for that time of railroad travel, but to my anxious mind, it was moving

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