Charles R. Douglass to Frederick Douglass, May 26, 1865

Charles R. Douglass to Frederick Douglass. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 2, frames 130-31, Frederick Douglass Papers, DLC. Hoping father will visit him and brother Frederick, Jr., in Washington, D.C.




Freedman's Hospital

Washington D.C. May 26 '65

Dear Father

Yours of the 24th. is just received. I was not aware that you was at home or I should have written to you about your cane, which I still have not knowing wether to risk it and send it by express or to wait until you come this way.

Fred. is still here with me, his object in asking you to come down here was not to ask money but to receive money from those wishing to take shares. The people here are not acquainted with Fred. but if they knew you favored the project many would advance money into your hands.

There is but little news now that Jeff. has

Last edit 5 months ago by Frederick Douglass Papers


been captured. The city is alive with shoulder straps, three armies being here. Sherman's army of the Tennessee Meades army of the Potomac and Logan's army of Georgia they all took part in the late review which took two day in passing up the avenue I had the pleasure of seeing all the leading Generals in the U.S. service.

I will see your speech I suppose in the New York Tribune. Love to all at home


Your Son

Chas R. Douglass

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