Charles R. Douglass to Frederick Douglass, October 18, 1865

Charles R. Douglass to Frederick Douglass. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 2, frame 147, Frederick Douglass Papers, DLC. Sends news of both brothers' health and activities.




Washington D.C. Oct. 18th 1865

Dear Father

I have this moment received a letter from Lewis saying that he is down sick with sore throat and asking me to write and let you know, he says he is getting good treatment but is to weak to write. I also received a letter from Fred. yesterday he says he expects you on the 24th. Inst. Lewis letter was dated Oct. 12th. so his letter has been six days in reaching you.

I expect to leave here about the first of next month, for as yet I see no chance for a clerkship. I saw Elva Thomas Sunday she told me she saw you when on her way down here. Colored soldiers are pouring in here very fast and are to garrison the city the colored people here are rejoicing over it.

Being somewhat in a hurry to let you know of Lewis' illness I'll close. Love to Mother and the rest of the family.

Aff. your Son,

Chas. R. Douglass

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