Frederick Douglass to H[ezekiah] Ford Douglas, February 1863

Frederick Douglass to H[ezekiah] Ford Douglas. PLSr: DM, 5:786 (February 1863). Criticizes former correspondent for suggesting Douglass’ Monthly cease publication. [Note: name is corrected from the Calendar of Correspondence Not Printed which had the recipient's name as Henry Ford Douglass].




We are earnestly called upon by Mr. H. FORD DOUGLASS to lay down the quill and take up the sword, and the fact that he has has been accepted in a white company, and is now in the enemy's territory, gives his sounsel at least the weight of consistency. But our correspondent must bear with our absence from the army until our own unbiased judgement and the action of the Government shall make it our duty and our privilege to become a soldier. We have no very high opinion of our fighting qualities, and have no military knowledge but we suppose we could fight if cornered, and could learn something of military science if put in the way of it. Highly as we respect the motives which dictate the call from Memphis, a call from Washington requesting us to raise a regiment in the State of New York and furnishing the money to do it with, would be more respected.

Last edit 5 months ago by Frederick Douglass Papers
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