NEW YORK, June 20th, 1859.
F. DOUGLASS, Esq.: MY DEAR FRIEND:—Some three weeks ago, I wrote you a note concerning Mr. Downing's attack upon me in your paper, and with my note was enclosed a letter in reply to Mr. Downing, written by Mr Herries.
I respectfully ask, is Mr. D. to be permitted to abuse, and misrepresent me, and to attempt to blacken my character in your paper, and the opportunity to reply be denied my friends? Hundreds in New York, and elsewhere, are surprised at the course. Please answer.
Yours truly, with respect.
We certainly shall not allow any undue advantage to those who differ with our esteemed friend GARNET on the subject of the African Civilization Society; and we have to inform him, that no such letter as he speaks of above has reached us, and that possibly, through some mistake, his letter did not reach the New York P. O. It certainly did not reach our office in Rochester. It would be very difficult for Brother GARNET to write anything, either in self-defense or in defense of the African Civilization Society, which we would not publish with a hearty good will.