"But what more oft in nations grown corrupt, And by their vices brought to servitude, Than to love bondage more than liberty— Bondage with ease, than strenuous liberty; And to despise, or envy, or suspect, Whom God hath of His special favor rais'd As their deliverer to desert him, and at last To heap ingratitude on worthlest deeds."
[Milton's Samson Agonistes.
FRIEND DOUGLASS:—If Milton had written the preceding extract as a prophetic view of the character of Gerrit Smith, and of the treatment which he should receive from his countrymen, and even from many of his professed friends, we could point to facts and figures as evidence of fulfillment. "How frequent to desert him!" &c. A few thousands have testified at the ballot box that they do not desert him. Those of us who have recently voted for Gerrit Smith for Governor of the Empire State, should know each other, and appoint committees of correspondence for the express purpose of preparing the people to demand that the anti-slavery candidate for the Presidency for 1860 shall be one who willnot recognize slavery as legal on any spot of earth.
We must aim at this definite object. The American Abolition Society has books and documents which out to be more fully circulated to aid us in this work. Also, as a part of the work, Frederick Douglass' Paper should have an increased circulation. Let such an effort be thoroughly made, and we shall, as a nation, be prepared to honor him.
"Whom God hath of His special favor rais'd As OUR deliverer."
Yours, truly,
ANDOVER, N.Y., Nov. 26th, 1858.
P.S.—My last public act at Newfield was to vote for Gerrit Smith.