J. E. R to Frederick Douglass, October 26, 1862

J. E. R. to Frederick Douglass. PLIr: DM, 5:747 (November 1862). Promises to bequeath a legacy gift to fund Douglass’ Monthly if slavery still exists upon his death.




Friend Douglass: I have been a paying subscriber for your paper, ever since the issue of your first number of "The North Star," for two good and sufficient reasons. First because I liked you personally, when yo uhad not attained your present popularity; and secondly, from principle. When I have been unfortunate, and lost all, and more than all! I have stopped other papers, but never yours. I propose to continue until the last slave has been freed: and if I am to die before that "good time" come, and am not too much hurried in my last moments, I shall leave a legacy for its continuance for a decade of years thereafter. The enclosed documents will explain why the above has been written.

Faithfully your firned,

J. E. R.

Rochester Oct. 26th, 1862.

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