J[ermain] W[esley] Loguen to Frederick Douglass, March 31, 1859

J[ermain] W[esley] Loguen to Frederick Douglass. PLSr: DM, 1:70 (May 1859). Thanks British abolitionists for their monetary support sent to aid fugitive slaves in Canada.





SYRACUSE, March 31, 1859.

DEAR DOUGLASS:—I wish to acknowledge through your paper the receipt of the following donations from kind friends of the slave in Great Britain

Aberdeen L. A. S. Society ...........£6 0 0 Wakefield do do ........... 4 0 0

In behalf of the many travelers on the Underground Railroad that are calling on us night after night, with their broken hearts, bleeding feet and empty stomachs, for help, I thank the ladies of both these Societies in that far off land, for their remembrance of our poor enslaved people in this country.— They walk by faith while we walk by sight in all this matter of American slavery. May the Lord ever bless them! is our wish. These donations were kindly procured and sent to us by our ever true and vigilant friend, Miss Julia Griffiths. May she ever be happy in her new possession in the world, as Mrs. Dr. Crofts. Much joy be their, will be the prayer of many a poor slave in this country, and hundreds of fuitives in Canada, where the Rev. Dr. Crofts is well known to many of our brethren that went years ago into that land. Report says twelve years of the Doctor's early life was spent among the fugitives in Canada. We fugitives should all unite in wishing them great joy.

Yours, as ever,

J. W. Loguen,

Agent of the Underground R. R.

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