Julia [Griffiths] Crofts to Frederick Douglass, May 20, 1863

Julia [Griffiths] Crofts to Frederick Douglass. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 8, frames 700-702, Frederick Douglass Papers, DLC. Sends a financial contribution from British Ladies Anti-Slavery Society on behalf of contraband slaves.




15. Grove Terrace—

Leeds May 20th

My dear Friend Frederick,

I have the pleasure to enclose £20— from the Bristol Ladies Anti-Slavery Society—who commission me to send it to you on behalf of the "Colored Freedman`s Aid Society" you recommend to me as being located in Washington—Please send it to a sure person, & forward to me the receipt, dear Frederick; together with your acknowledgment—The Quaker friends who send this £20— from Bristol are (I grieve to say) in common with our Birmingham friends & often sadly suspicious, just now as to the rectitude of the Colored people—That you may see

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who mean, I enclose a letter to me written by Mrs Edmund Sturge—I feel keenly on the point; I wish earnestly that if time permits you will when acknowledging this £20 on behalf o the Contrabands, send me such a letter as I can send round to a few of my A.S. friends—You are at full liberty to refer if you like to the fact of my having sent you Mrs Edmund Sturges' letter to read—I had that ere this, the last money sent will have reached you safely? Be assured that nothing will be wanting on my part to secure aid for your efforts & your race—

The Doctor is now at the Annual Conference at Ashton—The heat here for the last week has been intense such a May has not been in England for many years.

We are half packed for removing—and if nothing unforeseen occur we expect to go to Hanley.



on the 3rd I leave——so please my dear fd address here in reply to this——& "make a note" of the new address—

My love to Rose thank her for her letter—I tell her I will write (D.A.) when we have removed—We go to the best circuit in our [Connection?]; but I am sorry to quit Yorkshire on some accounts—especially on account of our present & nearness to Halifax friends Mrs. Hargreaves spent today with us, to say goodbye—& [illegible] most kindly for you—I trust that long ere this you have

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Our good friends the [illegible]—I am sorry the [Califax?] case had to wait so long—but I told Mrs Carpenter I felt convinced you were away when her letter reached Rochester——I write in a great whirl, my dear fd expecting the packers every minute!—The children join me in kindest love & best wishes——Remember me kindly to Mrs Douglass—& to the boys, all of whom I fervently hope are safe—The horrible atrocities exercised on the poor colored people in the war make us brim with indignation—Alas! for the fiendish character of South our nature! Pray keep away from Southern boundaries—May our Heavenly Father guard & bless you ever prays your true & faithful friend

Julia G. Crofts—

Remember to send the Photographs—

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