L. N. C. to Frederick Douglass, January 1, 1863

L. N. C. to Frederick Douglass. PLIr: DM, 5:771-72 (January 1863). Recommends Louisa De Mortia as an antislavery lecturer.




DRAMATIC READING:—Mr. Editor, a few evenings since, we had the pleasure of listening to th ereading of Mrs. LOUISA DE MORTIA of Boston, and so well pleased were we, with the effort, that with your permissions, we propose to give her a little notice in your Monthly. Mrs De Mortia has a very fine face, large brilliant eyes a mouth full of expression, bespeaking an earnest soul. Her bearing is graceful and quiet, so that the impression she makes is she seats herself before her audience is exceedingly pleasant—her voice is excellent, mellow and full and we are sure with practice, she will be able to use it to any extent required in her profession. We hope she will find success her attendant, and

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be encouraged to make herself very perfect in the art she has chosen —we cheerfully recommend her to the patronage of the public.

L. N. C.

Rochester, Jan. 1st, 1863.

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