Worcester (Ms.) Augt 2, 1865
My dear Friend
Your kind favor came in due time for which all thanks—Its suggestions were sensible & of service and its kind sayings most grateful to both of us—Wm will stay where he is at Highland school, with an increase in his salary of $200, and has also engaged to teach Elocution at the Catholic College, where his rate of compensation will be more liberal than he has had elsewhere before—and in addition to this, he is determined to try at Public Reading the next winter—and can you he asks furnish him with a list of the different Lyceums & where he might be able to make engagements? I can but
hope that the future has something in store for us yet—
Once when you were here you said you would like to go to Greenwich again, and would like to visit our sisters in Providence, sometime when we were to be there—Now we are intending to go next wk. to G. for one wk, or so, & then be in Prov. a little time after[—]Will you come? If you write me you will like so—I will send you word when we get there and shall enjoy seeing you beyond measure—Sister Mary went from here yesterday and I told her you would like to come, and she & they all will be most happy to see you—Do come, and see us all together once more—We will be as we the Browns used to be.
Do you like fishing? Me & you will have good times—Lay bye the care of the nation a little while & in relaxation & rest, find strength & vigor for renewed labor.
I want to tell you of a very genial & delightful visit we had at the Forsters last Sunday but shall delay in the hope of seeing you—
Did you not once have as little faith in Pres. Lincoln when you said he was "wrong from choice & right from necessity" as you have now in Johnson? Does the past justify yr present?
I am in very great haste & can only add love from me & the girls—
always truly
Martha W. Greene