Worcester July 7, 1864
My Dear Friend
Your wish to know of Frank's welfare, has been fully appreciated, and yet when we heard from him & since so fully occupied have I been (with company & otherwise) that I could write only that one item, and I was selfish enough to want to say more than that, until so I have delayed till it must be now 2 wks. since we first heard through the adjutant of the Rey—who was badly wounded (and has since died) that Frank had a ball through the thigh—received at the battle a few days before the taking of Staunton by Hunter, who commanded his
brigade—We feared the wound might be a dangerous one, but a letter from Frank, says he is doing well, and hopes for a short furlough, so we are hoping to see him by the 1st of another week. And you, how may it be with your own dear boys? How much I think of them, fighting as you say with halters about their necks. We white mothers & fathers think it hard to send our sons to fight, with easy assurance of their protection—how little we know the depth of earnestness it must require in you to send yours. In the "book of remembrance" it will be known.
I did not wish to vindicate President Lincoln—Yet I believe he has done all he has had reason to believe the people would have him do—Of course you have seen the Independent & its reply to Wendell Phillips—I am grieved that Fremont should not have borne his testimony, in favor of the Negro, that he could have failed in this, persuades me he is worthy of the praise of Copperheads—Why do we not see some expression from you in print demanding of the party [wh-?] expects success, a recognition of the Black Man's right to the franchise? Of course you are sorry Lee & Chase should think he must resign—We will hope that his place will be filled and that we shall be saved—
Sarah is still here, she says "I should really like to see Frederick"—I dreamed of being at your house, night before last, and have seen you very plainly in "my minds eye,["] since. I hope to hear good news from you, and the