Halifax, July 10th, 1863
My dear Mr. Douglass
Tho it is so long since we have written to express our interest in all that is passing in your country, & more especially our warm sympathy with your self & all that most nearly concerns you—you will not I hope doubt the continuance of these feelings either in Mr. Carpenter or myself. We feel much with you in the trial of letting your sons join the army - but can quite understand that while writing as you do to urge the colored people to assert their position as good soldiers for their country, you are resolved to do your part, & not to shrink from any sacrifice that you may be called on to make, or to hold back any thing that you can contribute to the good cause. I trust that your sons will return to you in safety and shall be very glad if they earn
distinctions for courage & good conduct in the war.
I enclose a little note from Mrs Crofts. She sent it to me last week knowing that I should be writing. I was not able to do so last week as by waiting a few days we hoped to enclose the sum we had to send. I have the pleasure of enclosing a check for £20 being a grant from our Society of £10 to the freed Negroes at Alexandria—or rather I suppose I should say to the Rochester Ladies A.S. Society in aid of the negroes at it. We have been much interested with the accounts we have seen of these people, & of the labors of Miss Wilburn & Mrs Jacobs amongst them. I hope that their sufferings from the small pox are over—it is a terrible disease even with every alleviation that skill & money can afford.
The other £10 was granted to your paper—which I hope is now pretty well supported. I wish that our funds, were larger so that we could send something better worth your acceptance—our hearty good wishes accompany this trifle.
Perhaps you would be surprised if you were now in California to see the excitement caused by the approaching visit of the Prince & Princess of Wales. They are to rest here for a night on their way to Scotland, and on the 5th August to open the new Town Hall, a very handsome building that has sprung up since you were here. They are to dine & sleep at Mr. J. Crossby's, who is Mayor this year and fortunately rich enough to entertain royal visitors without being ruined by the honor. Of
course there is to be a procession thro' the town, that every one may have the chance of a glimpse at royalty. Many thousands of Sunday School children are to assemble in the "Piece Hall" where the Prince & Princess will hear them sing the Hallelujah Chorus—National Anthem &c I hear they will visit Mr Ackroyd's Church—Mr Crossby's Park & factory. Open the Town Hall just nearly opposite the Mechanics Hall—lunch & leave Halifax at 3 in the afternoon to proceed on their Journey northwards.
On the 10th August Mr Carpenter & I hope to leave home for visits to our friends in Somerset shire & in September I shall probably bring back two of my nieces with me to spend
a few weeks here. Before we leave home I hope to have a glimpse if no more of our friend Mrs Crofts, when she brings Jane over to school & Miss Amé Draz is now in this neighborhood—She & I have long corresponded & we wish to become personally acquainted. I have asked her to spend a day or two with & hope that she will do so next week. I am sure she would desire to be kindly remembered to you if she knew that I were writing. She received the June number of yr paper but had not received either of the 2 numbers she subscribes for for many months previously.