Ernest Roumain to Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1862

Ernest Roumain to Frederick Douglass. ALS: General Correspondence File, reel 1, frames 748-49, Frederick Douglass Papers, DLC. Extends invitation for him to travel to Haiti.




New York 15th November 1862

F. Douglass Esqr.


Dear Sir,

I have the honor to advise that the Haytian Steamer "22nd December" has completed her repairs and will sail about the 20th Inst. for Port au Prince.

I arrived last evening from a tour to Washington & Pennsylvania where I spent a fortnight. My absence from N. Y. prevented me to give you an earlier notice.

Should you be decided to visit our Island, I am happy to renew the offer which I had the pleasure to make to you: of a passage on board the Steamer—without the assurance of a most hearty welcome

Last edit 5 months ago by Frederick Douglass Papers


to that beautiful and only country where the Sons of Africa enjoy fully all their rights & privileges.

Expecting the pleasure of your company home.

I Remain, Dear Sir, Your most obedient Servant

Ernest Roumain

537 Broadway.

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