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Status: Page Status Needs Review

I have both Elliot & Barton's work. Elliot's I think is
the best original botanical work ever published in America. I have
reviewed the 5 first numbers, & am anxiously expecting the continuation.
Barton's Compendium is tolerable; but a compilation
in many parts, & has many defects.

I send you my review of Nuttall's, where you will perceive
many of the general errors of our Botanists. I send also by mail
the Prospectus of my Lectures. I am now lecturing on Natural History
to abt 16 Ladies & 12 Gentlemen; the lectures on Botany are delayed
till the Spring. I am very well pleased with Lexington, and
although every thing is not as it should be, I think upon all
that we shall do tolerably well. We have now about 200 Collegiate
students, including the grammar School, and abt 35
medical students. Their Catalogue will soon be published.

We mean to take a journey somewhere next Summer, Mr Clifford
& I; but are undecided whether to go towards the Lakes, the Mobile
or the Arkansas - Springs; in that latter case, we mught visit you
in the way perhaps. When will you come here, if you come?

I am publishing my Natural history of the fishes of the Ohio,
in our review, & by itself. I shall next month publish the
first Annual Number of my Discoveries or Annals
of Nature. I am besides writing my travels; my Lectures &
many tracts to send to Europe & Therefore I am not idle,
& shall not disgrace the Western States; which have adopted

Believe me meantime Yours
C. S. Rafinesque

P.S. Mr Clifford desires to be remembered to you, & not to
forget him & the museum, if you should be able to procure
Some indian antiquities or fossils.

If your amorphous rocks contain shells & they must
be Secondary you know. Some may be primitive scattered
as in Ohio; but carried there, not in real situation

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Lucio Alvarez

'Number' - nowadays we use the word 'Edition'.