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Head Quarter Greeneville May 6th 94 Field Officer for tomorrow Col Clarke SubLegionary May [?] Detail Guards [?] C S S C P M 1@ Legion - 3 3 4 71 - - 4@ ditto 2 2 3 7 94 -- 2@ ditto - 1 1 2 57 - 1 3@ ditto - 1 4 7 102 - 1 _______________________ 2 7 11 20 8 2 _______________________
SubLegionary orders Adjust? for tomorrow MacRea For Guard Lieut Craig -
Guard V Guard [?] S C P OS - CP 1 Batton? 1. 2 : 26 " -- " 1 2@ Batton 2. 2. 37 " -- " 1 3@ ditto 1. 3: 39. 1 -- 1.1 ____________________ 4. 7. 10.2 1.3
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Head Quarters Greeneville May 6 94
The following select Companies will march to morrow morning at sun rise furnished with two days provisions and twenty four rounds of ammunition pr Man - Viz Captain Peters & Thomas Lewiss- also Captain Isaac Guions own Compy in toto- This Company is to carry all their Clothing and light baggage to be furnished with two days provision & Twenty four rounds ammunition pr man - Captain Peters & Guion will call at Head Quarters as soon as they are ready to march in the morning for further orders -
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Major Burbeck will order the Detachment of Artillery men to be in readiness to move with Captain Guion agreeable to the verbal instructions that he received some time since
Head Quarters Greeneville May 7. 94 Field Officer for to morrow Major Hunt- SubLegionary Maj Tilton
Captain Zebn Pike of the 3d SubLegion is appointed to do the duty of Sub Legionary Major & Inspector Pro tem in that SubLegion during the absence of Captain Guion & is to be Obeyed accordingly
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SubLegionary orders Adjutant for to morrow Tinsley For Guard Lieut Reed
A Return of the Officers Noncommissioned officers & privates fit for duty in the Battalions com= =posing the third SubLegion will be immediately made & given to Captain Pike who is this day appointed in General orders to do the duty
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of SubLegionary Major to the said Corps in the absence of Captain Isaac Guion
Head Quarters Greeneville May 8th 94 Field officer for to morrow Major Buell SubLegionary Major Wade