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Sub Legionary Orders Adjutant for to morrow Vance For Guard Captain Howell Lewis Lieut Bowyer Lieut Steele & Ensign Wright-
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Head Quarters Greeneville May 9th 1794 Field Officer for to morrow Colo Clarke Sub Legionary Major Pike
At a General Court martial whereof Colo Strong is president held on the 5th Instant and continued by adjournment until the 7th inclusive - Capt Wm Lewis of the third SubLegion was tried upon the following charges
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exhibited against him by Capt Isaac Guion of the said Sub Legion on the 29th Ultimo for a direct infraction of the third & 5th Article of the 2d Section of the rules & articls of war -
1st Specification
Seditious behavour on the parade of the Battalion to which he belongs -
2d Desobediance of orders & offering violence with his espontoon & using meancing word & curoles Language to his Superiour
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officer in the hearing & View of both officers & privates of the Battalion to which he belongs
Captain Lewis pleads not Guilty- The Court are of oppinon that Capt Lewis is Guilty of the 1st Specification of the first Charge exhibited against him & not of the second and do therefore sentence him to be reprimanded in the Genl orders - Its a painfull & disa= greeable task and it is allways with reluctance that the Commander in chief ever attem pts to repremand any officer
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but the highly responsible situation obliges him to enforce due sub bordination & to suport every officer in the execution of his duty on all occasions. the charge & specification which Capt Lewis has been found Guilty plased his life in the mercy of the Court this curcumstance alone to a feeling mind requires no other reprofe - The Commander in Chief therefor orders that Capt Wm Lewis be immediately liberated from his arrest and take charge of his Company