Page 15


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4 revisions
Bobby at Nov 05, 2023 09:43 PM

Page 15

Pleasant Hill fbr 20
part 2nd
Tuesday 20
Wm Runyan
James Varis
this day I wraught at the mill again
Note this day off M. Runyan and James
Varis set out for Lexinton with
Wednesday 21
Tylor Baldwin
the waggon
This day I wraught at the mill again
like wise this day Tylor Baldwin
set out for Lexington.
Thursday 22
M. Thomas
Calvin brunner
this day I went with calvin Brunner
to Cornelius Casine's and from there
to Charles Rikers and from thence
to harodsburg and from thence came
home a little after dark
Friday 23
Tylor Baldwin and others
Joseph Bunyan
Mason Wilhite
this day I wraught at the mill or
at gitting bags for it
Note this day the brethren returned
home from Lexington
likewise Joseph runyon and mason Wilhite
Saturday 24
this day I wraught in the woods till
the rain came on I then returned home
and spent the evening in makeing a staff
Sabbath 25
Martha Britten
hanah Weaver
this day Martha Britten and Hanah
Weaver mooved from the East to
the west family
Monday 26
Griss Mill
Sally Manfort
Liddy Ballance
Catty linebach
this day I wraught at the mill
Note this day we clear'd the
timber off of the mill seat
Likewise this day Sally Manfort
and Liddy Ballance moov'd from the
West family to the river and from
thence came Catty Linebach to the
East family

Page 15

Pleasant Hill fbr 20
part 2nd
Tuesday 20
Wm Runyan
James Varis
this day I wraught at the mill again
Note this day off M. Runyan and James
Varis set out for Lexinton with
the waggon
Wednesday 21
Tylor Baldwin
This day I wraught at the mill again
likewise this day Tylor Baldwin
set out for Lexington.
Thursday 22
M. Thomas
Calvin brunner
this day I went with calvin Brunner
to Cornelius Casine's and from there
to Charles Rikers and from thence
to harods burg and from thence came
home a little after dark
Friday 23
Tylor Baldwin and others
Joseph Bunyan
Mason Wilhite
this day I wraught at the mill or
at gitting bags for it
Note this day the brethren returned
home from Lexington
likewise Joseph runyon and mason Wilhite
Saturday 24
this day I wraught in the woods till
the rain came on I then returned home
and spent the evening in makeing a staff
Sabbath 25
Martha Britten
hanah Weaver
this day Martha Britten and Hanah
Weaver mooved from the East to
the west family
Monday 26
Griss Mill
Sally Manfort
Liddy Ballance
Catty linebach
this day I wraught at the mill
Note this day we clear'd the
timber off of the mill seat
Likewise this day Sally Manfort
and Liddy Ballance moov'd from the
West family to the river and from
thence came Catty linebach to the
East family