


Status: Complete

Febs - 1904
George Hall 3 Polosh 35-
Feb 20 Jobs Payed
^Epl -3 Robert to merchandise paid 30
" 6 " " " "" 55
" 10 " " Flour 30 lard 20 50
" " ' " Rice 10 Sugar 10 Cuban Oil 252 4 52
" 12 " " Order by wife yards 33 Synnt 10 45-
" 10 Cash by Job Miller 225
"17 Merchandise 30 Flour 25 - Cash 20 75-
Balance Due Rob Curdu 60

Sept 6 BW Duhurt grease thread 10
" 10 1 1/2 40 Cls Paiad 60
" "
" 16 Elasperanderson to one load ord by 18 20w
" hose collar 25 Paid 25

Sept 9 J.J Honson by Andrew Ford 35
" 17 " " " " PRoberts 200
" 20 " " " " PRoberts 260
" 21 " " " " Meat 70 Paid 5.65
Sept 17 1 1/2 buns corn 50 B.W. Druhurt 75
" '' atilgrease Job 20
" 20 orderr by boy 15 40

Sept 3 Charlie Christie crackers 15
" 17 5 Nails 5 atilgrease clothes 20
" " Job Paid 10 45
Sept 19 George McGill 9 yds cloth 95
Sept " Robert Cooper 5 meal 50 paid
" 23 nonflit Nathur paid 11 10
" 24 John Lewis 2H Nails paid 10

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