22 30 660 30 25 55 225 55 280
Sept 29 Bobbie Rogers och 15 50
" " HL Proctor merchandise 25 0 50 paid
" " Moses Lee meat 6/2xx 10 paid 65
och 3 " " sugar 10 paid
24 George Washington Sr merchandise paid 70
och sardines 5
' 24 Alfred Chatman merchandise 35 * 202 55
och H Chatman s stob paid 60
och Elen Washington 175
" " " 5y l 40
och 8
HL Proctor meat 5 50 flour 25 sugar 75 02
Bal DE och 285 185
och 31 paid 185 leave Bal 100
Benton Bird page 13
oct 1 John Christie Sheroob paid 5
Minnie Cusdu 65
Gracy Anderson beef 10 candy 5 se paid
3 oct dosder oct
oct 1 Nash Turner total 4 55 320 300
" " order one by lzirils candy 100
" " George Proctor 140
Bill Beet 7R 56
Williams 9 John paid 10
oct 5 Henry Dougliss jm meats 300 428 55 paiad
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