Chap 45 - No. VI. An Act
To establish a tariff of fees.
Section 1 Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative
Council of the Territory of Florida, that the several officers hereinafter named shall be entitled
to demand and receive the following fees respectively, viz:
The Secretary of the Territory shall receive
For every official vertificate and seal, one dollar,
" Recording and copying papers in his office, for the first hundred words, twenty-five cents,
" " " Every subsequent hundred words, fifteen cents,
The surveyor of each County shall receive for his services such compensation as may
from time to time be established by the County Courts respectively.
The Clerk of the Court of Appeals and Clerk of the Superior and County Courts shall receive
For entering appearance of defendant in person or by attorney, six and one fourth cents,
" Docketing any case upon the appearance docket, twelve and one half cents,
" Every subpoena at law and return thereon, twenty five cents,
" Every other process at law or chancery under seal of the Court with entry of return
fifty cents,
" Entry of every rule or order of Court twelve and one half cents,
" Administering oath twelce and one half cents,
" Swearing every jury fifty cents,
" Recording any instrument of writing, if the same contain one hundred workds or less, twenty five cents,
" Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents,
" Copy of any record, if the same contain one hundred words or less twenty five cents,
" " " Every succeeding hundred words, fifteen cents,
" Every Certificate under the seal of the Court, twenty five cents,
" Every search of less than one year's standing twelve and one half cents,
over one year's standing twenty five cents,
" Filing every paper in a suit, six and one fourth cents,
" Entering every judgment or devree, twenty five cents,
" Drawing and approving bond fifty cents,
" Drawing every other paper or writing not herein otherwise designated, if one hundred
words or less, twenty five cents,
" Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents,
" Recording mark and brand twenty five cents.
Marshals and Sheriffs shal receive
For levy and return of writ of attachment one dollar,
" Service and return of original writ in actions at law or subpoena in chancery, fifty cents,
" Levey and return of execution one dollar,
" Recording execution twenty five cents,
" Executing "Habere facias possessionem, one dollar
" Committing prisioner to jail one dollar,
" Releasing prisoner twenty five cents,
" Removing prisoner, per mile ten cents.
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