For writing and approving bond, fifty cents,
" Service and return of every process not here in specifically designated, twenty five cents,
" Carrying prisioner to Jail and removing prisoner, per mile, ten cents,
" Writing and executing deeds and bills of sale one dollar.
Notaries Public shall receive
For protesting bill of exhange or promisory note and reqistering the same one dollar,
" Noting bill of exchange for non-acceptance, or non-payment, fifty cents,
" Administering every oath twelve and one half cents,
"Writing and taking affidavit twenty five cents,
" Attending at a demand, tender or deposite, and noting the same; fifty cents,
"Noting protest of Captain of vessel two dollars,
"Extending the same, per hundred words twenty five cents
" Registering foreign protested bill or protest fifty cents,
" Every certificate with seal twenty five cents,
" Ordering every survey fifty cents.
Keepers of the archives shall receive
For copy or translation of every paper, or document, if less than one hunded words twenty five cents,
" Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents,
" Every Certificate with seal twenty-five cents,
" Every search, if for one year's standing or less twelve and one half cents,
" over one year's standing twenty-five cents,
Translators of the Courts shall receive
For every instrument of writing, if one hundred words or less, twenty-five cents,
" Every succeeding hundred words fifteen cents,
" Certifying the same with seal twenty-five cents.
Coroners shall receive
For summoning a jury and taking an inquisition on a dead body to be paid by the estate of the
deceased, if the same be sifficient, if not by the County, five dollars.
Jailors shall receive
For imprisoning and releasing, each, twenty five cents,
" Keeping and providing for prisoners, per day, thirty seven and one half cents.
District attorneys shall receive
For every indictment, where the offence charge is not capital, five dollars,
" If the offence charged be capital, fifteen dollars,
: Every civil action commenced on behalf of the the Territory, and prosecuted to effect, if the
amount received exceed one hundred dollars, ten dollars, if less than one hundred
dollars, five dollars: Provided that in no case of criminal prosecution, shall any fee be
allowed to the District attorney when the prosecution fails by reason of any default in the
indictment, or where a noble prosequi is entered.
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