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Witnesses shall receive
For every days attendance upon the Superiors or County Court seventy five cents,
" Every days attendance upon a Justice's Court fifty cents,
" Every twenty miles travelled to and from the place of holding Court: (Provided the witness
lives at a greater distance than five miles from the Court house: Provided that any
witness, when the cause in which he is attending as a witness, is continued to the next
succeeding term, may demand/and have of the party, at whose instance he is summoned,
the pay which may have accrued up to the time of continuance as aforesaid fifty cents.
Jurors shall receive
For every verdict to each juror twenty five cents.
But no fee shall be allowed to a juror for the trial of a cause in the Superior Court.

Section 2d Be it further enacted that the several fees herein provided for shall in
all cases be taxed in the bill of costs, and collected with the other costs of the said:
Provided that each district item of cost shall be particularly enumerated in the bill
of costs.
Section 3d Be it further enacted, That any officer exacting greater or other fees,
or in any other manner than is provided for by law, shall be indicted for extortion,
and finable in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars at the discretion of the
Section 4th Be it further enacted, That no officer shall have a right to demand
from the Territory of Florida or from any County thereof any other fees, than such as
may accrue for services in the apprehension, safe keeping, prosecution or punishment
of criminals; saving all such as are provided for by this act.
Section 5th Be it further enacted, That "an act to determine the fees of certain officers
in this Territory, and for other purposed," approved 22d November 1828, and revided the 17th
February 1833, and all other laws, conflicting with the true intent and meaning of this
act, be and the same are hereby repeated.
Passed February 14th 1834 Approved February 15th 1834 John Warren
Jos. B. Lancaster Clk William Duval Governor President of the
of the Territory of Florida Legislative Council

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