


Status: Complete

Thomas Paine: "If there is a country in the world where
concord, according to common calculation, would be least
expected, it is America. Made up, as it is, of people
from different nations, accustomed to different forms and
habits of government, speaking different languages, and
more different in their modes of worship, it would appear
that the union of such a people was impracticable. But
by the simple operation of constructing government on
the principles of society and the rights of man, every
difficulty retires, and the parts are brought into a cordial

Lin Yutang: "World federalists are the only realists today.
We are being realistic when we believe that, in the
absence of a world government based on democratic
representation, every nation is justified in annexing
strategic points, seizing strategic resources, protecting
communication lines, providing operation bases, strength-
ening its outer defenses and increasing its armaments
in seeking that national security--and that all these
preparations must end in war, not in peace."

Thomas Mann: "Some kind of world government is necessary
if mankind is to survive."

Carl Van Doren: " History is now choosing the Founding
Fathers of the world republic. The man who could be
one of that group, and does not seek to be, has lost the
noblest opportunity of his lifetime."

Florida's Oldest Bank

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