Aug. 11th 09 Minutes of Club Council
The regular business meeting of the club
Council was held on the morning of Aug 11th 09.
at the residence of Mrs Shackleford
The President being out of the city, Mrs.
Felkel presided
This present were Mesdames Felkel, Shackleford
Lewis, Dawkins, Levy & Miss Blake.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
[tick in column] approved.
Treas. report Treasurer reported $900. in State Savings Bank
subject to the order of Mr. W. C. Lewis as first
payment on Club House Lot and $18.42 in First
National Bank.
[?chool] Bldg. A Committee Composed of Mesdames Barber,
Roege, Smith, Felkel, Byars, Dunn and Holliway
with Mrs Felkel as chairman, were appointed
to see about cleaning the public school building.
Mrs Felkel, charman of Civic Com. spoke of
petitions sent to City Council
Moved by Mrs. Dawkins & seconded that a
committee be appointed to see about the
proper rent to ask for building in Club
House Lot. The Chair appointed Mrs.
Shackleford, Mrs Hodges sent in her resig-
nation as Chairman of Kindergarten Com.
and Mrs Moor sent in her resignation as
Chairman of High School Com, owing to
ill health. Mrs. Byars was appointed
Chairman of High School Com and
Mrs Shackleford as Chairman of
Kindergarten Com. No further business
Moved to adjourn to meet second Wed.
in Sept at Mrs Shacklesfords.
Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. Aarin Levy
8th 09. No meeting of Council owing to not having
a quorum present.
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