



Status: Complete

Woman's Club - Meeting - March 10- 1933

The Woman's Club met
in regular session on the
tenth of March in the
club house with the
president, Mrs. E. G. Rivers,
presiding. The meeting opened
with the salute to the
flag led by Mrs. Boone,
followed by the reading of
the Club Creed in unison.

The minutes of the last
meeting were read and
approved with one addition-
The treasurer's report was
read and accepted as
House fund - $9.43 overdrawn
Checking fund - 201.26
Beautification - 69.78
Conservation - 2.00
Welfare - 26.95

This being the time
for the annual election
of officers the following
ticket as presented by the
nominating committee was
President Mrs. B. H. Bostain.
Vice President Mrs. G. W. Ponton
2nd vice President Mrs. Leland Lewis.
Rec. Sec. Mrs. T. T. Green
Cor. Sec. Mrs. Ralph Gramling
Treasurer - Mrs. E. G. Rivers.

The following were elected
to attend annual
convention of the Florida
Federation of Woman's
clubs in Avon Park:
Mrs. Bostain, Mrs. F. C. Moor,
with Dean Sandels and

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