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Home Economics Association,
spoke briefly on the
activities of the organization.
Miss Flavia Gleason gave a
resume of work being done
by the Home Demonstration
agents in the rural
districts throught the
State and she stressed
the great need for the
continuation of this work,
closing with the poem,
So Long as There Are Hours.

Business being resumed
Mrs. Green reported that
the fireplace had been
fixed, by funds derived
from a bridge party put
on by the House Game,
clearing $16.40. Mrs. Jubuston
moved, Mrs. Parker seconded,
that the club [deerate?]
both House and Senate
for the Legislature and as
the U.C.S.U. will give
button - hole bouquets for
all members of both houses.

Mrs. Rivers reported that
lists of girls eligible for May
queen had been handed
her from both schools. The
president said she would
appoint a committee to see to
nominations. There being no
further business the meeting

Rept submitted
Alice Roberts

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