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At the close of the program
business was again taken up.
Mrs. Rivers reported that the
Board had voted a scholarship
for a Leon County girl for the
short course at the college. The
Board also voted to pay the
Welfare Committee $10.00 for seeds
for needy families in the spring.
This being the annual meeting
Mrs. Rivers made her report on
the activities of the club during
the past year. She expressed her
appreciation to the officers and
committes for their cooperation
and loyal support. Reports were
also made by the following
chairmen showing that the work
was carried on well during the
year. Education Committee, Miss
Gregg, read by Mrs. Bridges;
American Citizenship, Mrs. Boone;
Mrs. Baker, Conservation; Mrs.
Baker won the award of a
bronze medal for the greatest
accomplishment in conservation
work. Music, Mrs. Deahl;
Literary, Mrs. Leland Lewis. Flower,
Mrs. Duval; Girl Scouts, Mrs. Mizell;
Publicity, Mrs. Ponton; Mrs. Gramling,
corresponding secretary.

The club conferred membership on
Mrs. Milton Parker in appreciation
of her work during the bridge tournament.
The resignation of Mrs. Armstead
Brown was read.

Mrs. Rivers reported that on
Mother's Day she sent cards to
the three oldest mothers in
Tallahassee: Mrs. A. L. Woodward,
86; Mrs. Susan Bradford Eppes, 86;

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