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and Mrs. E. G. Weeks, 95.
Mrs. Norwood moved, Mrs. Bond
seconded, that the club open the club
house twice a month for a dance for
the young people of high school age.
Carried. Adjourned,
Alice Roberts, sec.

Call meeting of the Board, May 25, 1932

A call meeting of the Board was held
at the home of Mrs. Rivers on the 25th
of May, for the purpose of deciding about
the janitor and the telephone.
Mrs. Boone moved, Mrs. Bond seconded,
that the telephone be discontinued for
the four summer months. Carried.
Mrs. Parker moved, Mrs. Feius seconded
that the club dismiss the janitor for the
four summer months. Carried.
There being no further business the
meeting adjourned.
Respt. submitted,
Alice Roberts, sec.

Call meeting of the Board of the Woman's Club, Sept. 2, 1932

A call meeting of the Board of the Woman's
Club was held on the 2nd of September at
the home of the president, Mrs. E. G. Rivers.
Mrs. Rivers, presiding, opened the meeting
with a discussion concerning the use of the
club house for an organization meeting of the
registered nurses of the city. Mrs. Knapp moved,
Mrs. Roberts seconded, that the club permit
the use of the club house for the organization
meeting of the registered nurses. Carried.
On Motion by Mrs. Gramling, seconded by
Mrs. Knapp, the board voted to allow other
organizations, such as the U. D. C. and
others, to hold their meetings in the

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