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Club house for $1.50 without any [fee]
$2.00 with use of fireplace; and
$2.50 with use of furnace.

Mrs. Knapp moved, Mr. Ponton
seconded, that Mr. Rivers see
Arthur and see what is the least
he would work for during the
winter. Carried.

A discussion on Mothers' Pensions
led by Mrs. Ponton followed.

Mrs. Knapp moved, Mrs. Bostain
seconded, that Mrs. Rivers appoint
a committee to call a meeting of
other committees from civic
organizations to go before the county
commissioners and urge them
passage of the Mothers' Pensions
bill. Carried

The board went on record as
being willing to stand behind
all work undertaken by the
Welfare committee in relief of
all kinds, and is willing to
cooperate in every way possible.

Mrs. Rivers reported that Mrs.
Gilbert and Mrs. Parker have re-
signed from the club. The resignations
were accepted with regret. The
following names were presented
for membership: Mrs. Helen [Mawers]
Mrs. J. W. Collins, Sr., Mrs.
Rosenberg, Mrs. Herman[Kurz]

Mrs. Roberts moved, Mrs. Bostain
seconded, that the committee having
charge of the program for the after-
noon also have charge of the social
hour at the close of the meeting,
furnishing light refreshments. Carried.

There being no burther business the
meeting adjourned. Respt. submitted
Alice Roberts, sec.

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