Board Meeting, October 13, 1932
The Board of the Woman's Club met in regular
session Thursday, October 13, at the home of the
president, Mrs. Rivers presiding. Twelve members
were present. The names of Mrs. Marshall Cooke,
Miss Sarah Partridge, Mrs. Earl Smith, Miss
Louise Conradi, and Mrs. Harry Wells were presented
for membership. Mrs. Bostain announced that
Miss [Cherl] Williams would speak on educational
work at Leon High School on Thursday night,
October 20. Different organizations will cooperate
in entertaining her at a tea at the club house
in the afternoon from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock. On
motion by Mrs. Bostain, seconded by Mrs. Green,
the board voted to cooperate in having the tea.
Mrs. Moor moved, Mrs. Bostain seconded, that
the club abolish the initiation fee. Carried.
Mrs. Gramling moved, Mrs. Knapp seconded,
that the initiation fee of the new members who
have paid it in September be returned. Carried.
Mrs. Knapp moved, Mrs. Moor seconded, that
the corresponding secretary write new members
that their names would be placed on the roll
upon the payment of at least half the dues
or $2.50. Carried.
Mrs. Moor moved, Mrs. Roberts seconded, that
if the garden club asks for the club house for
the flower show, they be allowed to use it
provided that they protect the floor and be
responsible for any damage and pay all actual
expenses; and that they are not to ue any
green crepe paper or artificial glass. Carried.
Mrs. Moor moved, Miss Gregg seconded that
the club make rate to the U.D.C.'s for the
year of $22.50 without use of linen. Carried.
There being no further business, the meeting
Respt. submitted
Alice Roberts, sec.
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