their appreciation for the cooperation of the
club women in getting signatures.
Reports were made by the following
chairmen: Miss Gregg, for Motion Picture
Committee that they have met and organized;
Mrs. Boxtain, welfare work, showing that
much has been accomplished. The committee
has collected and distributed 5957 garments.
Also working on milk fund.
Mrs. Rivers reported that a tea in honor
of Miss [Charl] Williams and the teachers of all
schools will be given in the club house on
Thursday, October 20, from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock,
Parent Teacher associations and the schools
The program was in charge of the Welfare
committee, Mrs. Bostain chairman, who
introduced Mr. J.C. Huskisson and Mr. Jack
Simmons. Mr. Huskisson gave an interesting
resume of the work undertaken by Reconstruction
Finance Corporation carried on by the
government. Mr. Simmons spoke of the
county relief work showing how it is being
carried out and how the unemployed are
being helped. A rising vote of appreciation
was given Mr. Huskisson and Mr. Simmons.
Miss Alice Collins presented three
delightful readings.
Following Miss Collins, Miss Mary Reeder,
harpist, and Miss Lorelie Tait, violinist,
rendered beautifully two selections,
Mendelsohn's "On Wings of Song," and
Masenet's "Meditations."
Business being resumed, Mrs. Moor moved
that the recommendations of the Board that
the initiation fee be abolished be voted on.
In the absence of Mrs. Harry Lee Baker,
Chairman of the conservation committee, Mrs.
Ponton reported that Mrs. Baker had received
a bronze plaque by the Americasn Forestry
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