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association for the most outstanding
work in conservation. Mrs. Gage re-
ported that the bridge tournament
would begin October 24. At the close
of the meeting the executive committee
entertained the members with tea
during the social hour.
Respt. submitted,
Alice Roberts, sec.

Board Meeting, Nov 9, 1932

The regular Board meetin-
g of the Woman's Club was
held on Nov 9 at the
home of Mrs. Rivers who

The president presented
a request from Mr. Pike
of the Christian Church
for the use of the
club house for their
services. Mrs. Bostain
moved, Mrs. [Duval]
seconded that the Christian Church con-
gregation be allowed
to use the club house
for services if satisfactory
arrangements could be made.

Miss Gregg moved Mrs. Moor
seconded that our club
make a recommendation
to the State Legislation
Committee of the Woman's
Club that they look
into the State Laws
governing the Fee
System with a view

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3rd paragraph: correct spelling [Duval]?