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to introducing a bill at the
next Legislature regulating
the same.

President announced that
we would have a float in
the Armistice Day Parade.
Moved by Miss Gregg, seconded
by Mrs. Norwood that the
[Cor. Sec be asked to answer
the letter of appeal from
the Hospital for Crippled
Children in St. Petersburg to
the effect that it will
be impossible to help them
at the present time.
There being no further
business the meeting ad-
Respt submitted
Ruth M. Gramling,
Sec pro-tem.

Woman's Club Meeting Nov 10 - 32

The Woman's Club met in
regular session on the
tenth of Nov in the club
house with the president
Mrs. E. G. Rivers, presiding.
The meeting opened with
the singing of Swannee
River, followed by the salute
to the flagg, and the read-
ing of the club creed in
unison. The minutes of the
Oct. meeting were read
and approved. The
Treasurer's report was read
by Mrs. Gramling as follows:

Notes and Questions

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