House fund - $106.10
Checking fund - 69.73
Beautification - 75.88
Conservation - 52.40
Welfare. - 00.00
Mrs. Gramling moved, Mrs.
Robeerts seconded that the
club pay the $9.00 past due
the [unknown] of [uknown]. Carried
The following letters were
read by Mrs. Gramling:
From the Children's Home
in Jacksonville asking for
a Thanksgiving offering;
notes of appreciation from
Mrs. Kelly Harbeson and
family: and Mrs. Wyzell and
family. On motion by Mrs.
Gramling, the Club voted
to send $10.00 to the
Children's Home. The
following recommendation
from the Board was read:
The Board of Directors of
the Tallahassee Woman's
Club in session Nov. 9,
1932, made the following
recommendation: that
the Tallahassee Woman's
Club, request the
legislative committee of
the Florida Federation
of Woman's Clubs to in-
vestigate the evils of the
fee system in our State
and to take measures
to introduce a bill
in the 1933 Legislature
for remedying of the
same. Adopted.
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