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The program for the after-
noon ws in chrge of the
Educational Com. Miss Gregg
Charman. Mr. Gregg intro-
duced Mr. James Richards
Sec of the Florida Educational
Association, who spoke very
interestingly on the subject
"Florida's Problems in Education
Today and the next several
years." Mr. Richards slated
that Florida is 39th in
the list of States in Education.
He showed that the
Teachers are carrying a
heavier load than those
in other occupations and
receive less money. He
slated that one of the
greatest needs in education
is the opportunity for parents
and tax payers to study
their schools, their teachers,
there needs, and thus be
able to co-operate in a more
intelligent way.

Leon Jr High School Girls'
Glee club presented the
delightful numbers: "Lullaby"
and "Little Black Samba."
The Club is under the
direction of Miss Allie Belle

Miss Gregg next presented
Mr. Frank Harsfield, County
Superintendent, who spoke of
"Leon County's Problem in
Education today and the
Next Several Years." Among
the problems stated by
Mr. Hartsfield were:

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Line 25: [co-operate]\] (is this correct?)
Line 33: [Belle] ? spelling
Line 34: [Whittle] ? spelling