Executive Board Meeting
Oct 4, 1933
Due to the fact that Mrs. Bos
tain has resigned as Pres, the first
V. Pres., Mrs. Tom Moore called a meet
ing of the executive board Oct. 4th
to transact important business.
The questiom of float or car
for N.R.A. parade was first subject
taken up. Mrs. Rivers moved, Mrs.
Lewis seconded that we take some
part in the parade to be held Sat.
morning Oct. 7th, carried. Mrs. Moore
asked to see about prices and make
arrangements for 2 permanent banners
for car.
Mrs. Gramling moved, Mrs. Lewis
seconded that Mrs. Moore engage
man for janitor service for the week of
Oct the 9th for $500, during while
week there will be several functions
Mrs. Rivers moved, Mrs. Gramling
seconded that the club take care of
any expenses, such as laundry, etc
incurred at the recent Kiwanis lunch
eon. carried.
Discussion of plans to use
mimeograph thanks to be signed by
all members for names, addresses, etc
took place and Mrs. Moore was asked
to have some made.
Ruth Gramling
Sec. Pro tem
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