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Executive Board Meeting Woman's Club
Nov. 1st, 1933
The executive board of the Woman's
Club met at the club house Nov. 1st; the
President, Mrs. Tom Moore, presided.
The first business to be brough up
was the debt of two thousand dollars
{$2,000.00), three hundred dollars ($300.00), of this
amount having been paid, leaving a
balance of seventeen hundred dollars
($1700.00). A means of solving the problem
of refinancing and paying this debt was
explained by Miss Davis. This was in
the form of a series of entertainments con
sisting of the following:
"Bessie Andrus Melodites"
"Noah Beilharz" character Delineations
"Elwood J. Bailey" Social Economist
The Bubble - a play
Miss Davis stated that the price
of this series of entertainment was one
hundred and eighty five dollars $185.00.
This amount being taken care of in
the following way: $60.00 first payment,
$40.00 second payments, $45.00 third payment,
and $40.00 last payment. Advertising circu-
lars, posters, and folders were included
in this price. The time for these enter-
tainments was tentatively set for January
or February, 1934.
Mrs. Marshall made a motion,
seconded by Mrs. Kellum that we
accept Miss Davis' attractive proposi-
tion, and committees be appointed to
carry out these plans.
The next buisiness to come up
was in reference to the next meeting on
Nov. 8th. A discussion was called for in-
regard to making this a luncheon
meeting, sending each member an invi-

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