Civic and Beautification .... Mrs. F. R. S. Phillips
Mrs. Aaron Levy
Mrs. P. T. Mickler
Mrs. W. E. Lewis
Mrs. J. K. Johnston
Press and Publicity .................. Mrs. Edward Conradi
Mrs. F. R. S. Phillips
Club House ............................ Mrs. J. Kent Johnston
Mrs. Irvin Gates
Social ...................................... Mrs. H. H. Cooper
Mrs. J. W. Ferrell
Mrs. A. H. Charleville
Mrs. J. C. Williamson
Mrs. W. H. May
Mrs. Abe Greenberg
Mrs. Theo Proctor
Hospitality ................................. Mrs. H. O. Wood
Mrs. Howard Gamble
Mrs. O. E. Proctor
CALENDAR 1924-1925
October 9- Business Meeting
October 23-Citizenship and Legislation Depart-
ments Senator Hedges on "Proposed Amendments
to the Costitution of Florida."
Novemeber 20-Business-Education Department
"Our Public Schools."
Notes and Questions
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