ion. He is to be in entire charge of all such work for the State Road Department and advisory to county authorities when called upon. He shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the State Road Department, and shall give his entire time to the work. He shall cause to be made a survey of right of ways for beautification work, in advance of road construction, after such right of way line has been definitely fixed and designated by the chief engineer. He shall be furnished equipment necessary for all his work and convicts, or other labor, shall be assigned to him for work when needed, upon his requisition to and according to the judgment of the Department. The “Director of Conservation” shall be authorized to meet with the State Road Department and to cast one vote equal to the vote of a member of the State Road Department on all questions to be determined by the State Road Department affecting and involving the beautification of highways, and, in the event of a tie vote being the result of such voting on such question, the vote of that group voting with the “Director of Conservation” shall prevail. The “Director of Conservation” shall be authorized to invite these outstanding in their work for Highway Beautification in Florida to form and constitute a Citizens’ Advisory Group.
SECTION 3. Beginning with October 1, 1929, no new right of ways shall be less that 100 feet in width and either county or state highway construction. Provided, however, that this shall not apply to the right of ways hitherto existing. When found necessary to the development of future plans for widening road beds, or putting into effect Beautification projects, 125 feet or more right of way is hereby authorized.
Widening of the road beds, when found necessary and advisable, shall be done uniformly from both sides of the road paving,
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