Pages That Need Review
10 so soon to take place at $100.00 something unusual & must be done to raise that amount.
Mrs. Lethel also reported from Civic Com. that 55 trees had been planted on the street Couth and East of Cemetry, and that Com. hoped to see [illegible?] and means of grading West Park Ave.
No report from kindergarten Com. Council planned for Educational meeting next day.
A call meeting of the Council was held at the Lern Hotel at which time Mrs. E. A. Groscom of Philadelphia was elected an honary member of the Club.
Council then adjourned
Mrs. Dawkins Secretay protem
April 13 Quorum not present therefore no Council minutes
May 11 Council Minutes Present Mrs. Dawkins, Diamond Greenhover, Hailoway Felkel & Derren No reports from Comittees Council [?] around [illegible] meetings in June, July and Aug. Adjourned to meet again the 2nd Wed in Sept at Mrs. Shacklefors Respectfully Mrs R. C. Durin, Sec'ty
11 Club adjourned for June, July and Aug. 1910
Sept. 7 Council Minutes The Club Council met on the morning of Sept. 7th at the residence of Mrs Henry [?] Felhel Present Mrs. darnell - Cary Lewis - Greenbern, Holloway and Felhel Pres. called the meeting to order Mrs Felhel was appointed Sec. protem in Mrs Durmis absence Rent from Blacksmith shop $ 50.00 Rent from Garrange $60.00 Rent on B. shop reduced to $10.00 per. mo. Garrange still $12.00 per. mo. Mrs. Hollway read letter from Mrs. Southerland in Jacksonville, in regard to Social Science class. It. C. hoping thereby to bring about Municipal reforms, etc. Mrs. Hollway read another letter from Mrs. Rolb of Miami, suggesting that they were getting out a souvenir [illegible?] to their paper etc thought purpaps our club [illegible?] like to do the same Council decided Sept ho early to get dinner to Club [illegible?] The Council then adjourned to meet the 2nd Wedd. morning in Oct. Respectgully submitted Mrs. Felhel acting Sec. Pro Tem.
12 Oct 12. Council Minutes The Council of The Womans Club met on Oct 12th at 10 oclock A. M. at Mrs. Felhel residence Present Mrs. Cary, Pres Mrs. Felhel acting as Secretary in Mrs Dumis absence Members present were: Mrs. James Cary Gambler, Greenbern, Felhel, Lewis, Darvkins and Dramond Club House Com. Mrs. Garmble -reported that Garrange and Blacksmith shop were behind in payment of rents after repeated efforts to collect without success it was decided to take steps to have these bills if to close the doors and if rents do again to require rent on advance The Pres. mentioned the fact of having collected something on bill since last meeting. Treaurers report same as last mo. $4.92 in bank The following [illegible?] were appointed by Chair to serve on nominating Com. Dawkins, Greenbern, [illegible?] and Michler Meeting then adjourned Mrs. Felhel Sec. Pro Tem
13 Nov 9th Club Council Minutes The Council met at Mrs. Felhels on morning of Nov. 9th Present Mrs. Cary Diamond Felhel Lewis Dawkins and Dumis - Minutes of Council and Nominating Com read and approved Treasurer reported $104.92 in bank in Bank, to Club house fund: $142.30 Rent from Garrarge $50.00 No other Committee reports The names of Mrs. Thomas Gin and Mrs. J. L Williamson was presented for membership. Moved to pay 50 cts towards the Prize for best esssay on "The Merit System" for the election of suitable school Teacher. Council then adjourned Mrs. R. C. Durnis Secretary Nominating Com Report The Chairman and Secretary, with Mesdames Mickler, Greenhow and Smith, composed the committee. Upon motion, Mrs. C. A. Cay was unanimously chosen to succeed hereself as President of the Club for 1920-1911. The following additional nominations were unanimosuly made:- The first vice-president, Mrs. Crosby Dawkins. For second vice-president and corresponding secretary, Mrs. Milton A. Smith. For recording secretary, Mrs. Frederick Roege. For Treasurer, Mrs. W. E. Lewis. For the council, Mrs. H. T. Felkel Diamond and Mrs. Greenhow as holdovers; and Mesdames Howard Gamble, and Aaron Levy. The meeting then adjourned.
17 March 9, 1911 Club Council Minutes The Council met at Mrs. Felkels. All member present except Mrs. Gamble.
Treas. Report Mrs. W. E. Lewis reported $229.73 in State Sav. Bank. In First Natioanl after deducting all expenses there was a bal. of $86.72
It was moved and seconded that the Club petition the S. A. L. R. R. to build a shed at the Passenger Station.
Mrs. Felkel spoke of the work of cleaning up the city. For once the Mayor offered to cooporate with the Club on this work.
Mrs. Greenhow was authorized to have suitable approaches made to the entrance to Wayne Square Mrs. Greenhow presented a request from Citizens of the North end of town to the Syndicate which [cross] the adjourning property to have the side walk South side of Gov's Mansion
It was decided to build side walks diagonally across Boulevard Park and all round the Mound
A proposition from the Elks relating to exchange of lots was rec'd and discussed I believe nothing came of it.
No further business Council adjourned Mrs. Fred Roege Sec.
19 Minutes of Club Council Oct Council met at residence of Mrs Felkel Seven members present Being the first meeting since the summer adjourned not much business came before it.
A letter was read from the Federation Chairman on Education outlining note to be done by Educational Committees throughout the State along the lines of sanitation and hygiene in the Public Schools. This program was approved by Council and ordered read before the Club and turned over to the Ed. Committee. Reports even read by Chairman of Wayne Square reporting only five trees needing 2 be replaced To fill out the grave of Live Oak in that square. Chairman Boulevard Park reported the walks in said park completed at a cost of Club House Comm. reported promise of tenant 2 pay rent due. No other Committee reports. Means and ways for adding 2 [illegible?] trees each discussed but no definite action taken Look to be brought before Club included appointment of Nominating Committee for Annual election of Officers.
20 Nov Minutes of Club Council Council met with Mrs. Dawkins with five members present The nominating Comm. submitted the ticket which was approved. After roll cal and reading of the minutes The Treas. reported in Treas. First Nat $4.72. In Savings Bank Club House fund $367.42 in Boulevard Fund $33.74 [38.74] The Pres had sundry communication from other Club read one relative in the sale of Xmas stamps, decided by Council to try this work again, another letter from the Miami Club asking for names of Club members to be [illegilbe?] in Poster at the cost of 10 cts pr. names for the purpose of raising money and also to make an ornamental banner or Poster of all Club members in the State. Another a request that every Club member be assessed to 50 cts. voluntarily, 2 raise a Fund of $100 in, In support the Nat Fed Another to circulate to petition for money to pay for Piano for High School Auditioning, which communications were referred to the Club without exception [acceptance] The Sect was empowered to buy another book for recording the minutes of the Club, the one on hand being completed.
Dec. 1911 No meeting by Council on account of heavy rain
21 Jan 1912 Minutes of Club Council The Council met at the residence of Mrs. Shackelford - no quorm present till the last half hour, Only reports were from Cini Comm who reported more trees planted & requested money to pay Mr. Gibb. Club House Comm reported blacksmith shop vacated by tenant as the heavy rains had so badly damaged the roof the shop was [illegible?], Mrs. Greenhow reported Wayne square in dreadful condition Method for in [illegible?] Treas. act. were [illegible?] & meeting was adjourned to the Feb. meeting the 2nd Wednesday morning in that month
Feb 7th 1912 Minutes of Club Council The regular business meeting of the Club Council was held at the residence of Mrs. Felkel Wed. morn Feb 7th. The vice Pres. Mrs. Shakelford precided, Only a quorum was present Treas reported $387.44 in Stch Savings Bank & 1.82 is in First National Chairman of Cinc Comm reported a gift of $100 from Miss Mary Lewis to be used for planting trees. Mrs. Lewis presented the name of Mrs L. Cohen for membership [illegible?] by Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Levy. Mrs. Cohen was unanimously elected, no further business being brought up the meeting adjourned to meet the 2nd week in March. Respectfly submitted by Mrs. Howard Gambler Sec pro tem
22 Mar 13th 1912 Club Council Minutes The Club Council met on Mar 13th in business session at the residence of Mrs. Felkel, neither Pzes was [?] Pres being present Mrs. Felkel presided, Mrs. Gambler that as next day was the regular Education Day meeting of the Club and that a program had been arranged by Miss Fenton Davis & that each member of the Council was requested 2 phone [illegible?] members to be present so as to in sure a full attendance. A donation of $10 from Mrs. L.C. Yaeger was announced and put 2 the credit of the Club House Fund which now shows $382.42 - 2 - its credit. A request from the University boys to act as Palms 2 a play duing the Easter holidays was ordered to the put before the Club next day. No further business the Council adjourned to the next meeting in second Wed in April Respectfully submitted Mrs. Howard Gambler Sec. Pro tem
April 10th 1912 No meeting of Council
May 9th 1912 No quorum present and no business tansacted.
24 Feb 20 1913 Club Minutes The Club Council of the Tall Women's Club met in regular sesssion at the close of Club meeting Feb. 20 1913
Two names were voted upon and unanimiously elected to active memembership.
Mrs. T. F. West, presented and endorsed by Mrs. Chars Cay.
Mrs. Firgerald presented by Mrs. Crosby Dawkins and endorsed by Mrs Felkel and Mrs Tatum.
It was decided that the Club give a Reception to Mrs. Hocker, State Fed Pres. some time in March, arrangements for which will be left with a Comm to be appointed by Mrs. Shackleford, Pres.
No further matters presented the Council adjourned to meet the Wednesday preceding the regualr Club Day in March.
Respy Sub Kathryn V. Wright Secty.
March No meeting
April Council meeting postponed because of the absence of President from city