


Status: Needs Review

The Remanes of the Laste yeares booke
and the valuation of the same.

The Buttery.
Item. one hogshead of stronge beer - xvs
Item barelles of Smale beer of vs - xs
Item iii veselles of Alle at xxiiid a vessell - vs ixd
Some xxxs ixd

Saulte store.
heaberdines a Clxiii at viid a peece - iiiili xvs id
Item Linges. xvi at xiid a peece - xvis
Item a ferken & halfe of butter at xxs - xxxs
Some viili. is id

Item Beefe viii stone iiiili at xxiid the stone - xvs viid
Backen iiiili and a quarter at vid a li - iis id ob
Item a Lambe pye - iis
Item ii peckes of Otmeale at xvid - iis v[iiid]
Item iii neates feete at iiiid a peece - xiid
Some xxiiis iiiid ob

Item a pounde of Sises - xviiid
Some vS

Item xvii trusse of haye at viiid a trusse - xis iiiid
Item xxtie trusse of Strawe at iiiid a trusse - vis viiid
Some xviiis

Item Tallwoode halfe a Lode. - vs iid
Item Seacolles iii Chatherne. at xvs - xlvs
Some Ls iid

Some Totall of the
Remanes of Laste
yeare Comes to } xiiili iiiis id ob


Venit Valet Expence. Valet Remanet
Crown beere xbar Ls iibar xs xbar.
Strong beere nl nl nl iho
Alle nl a vessell xxiiid ii vessell
Clarett wine nl a pint iiid a pinte iiid nl
Canary wine a pinte vid a pinte vid nl
Manchett vic xiid vic xiid nl
fine Cheate xiic xviiid xiic xviiid nl
Corse cheate xxxc viis xxxc viis nl
Breade iid ob iid ob nl
Some. xxiis iiiid ob
Saulte Butter xiili. iiiis xiili iiiis nl
freshe better iili xvid iili xxvid nl
Egges lx iis lx iis nl
Some viis iiiid
heaberdines nl xii[c] vis Cli
Linges nl ii iis xiiii
Rochett ii ixd ii ixd nl
godgenes a quarte vid a quarte vid nl
Some ixs iiid
Beefe - nl iii stone vs vid v stone iiiili
A hinde quartr
of veale }
iiis a quarter iiis nl
Lambe a side iiis iiiid a side iiis iiiid a pye
Neates feete nl i iiiid ii
Backen - nl nl iiiili quarter
Calves feete a pare iiiid a pare iiiid nl
hennes - ii iis vid ii iis vid nl
Tewette - iili xiid iili xiid nl
A flounder xiid i xiid nl
Goodgemes - xiii iiiid xiii iiiid nl
Otmeale di pecke ixd a pecke xviid i pecke di
Creame di a pint iid iid iid nl
Onyene iii Ropes ixd ixd nl
Orenges & Lemones iiiid iiiid nl
Soope a pound iiid ob a pound iiid ob nl
herbes iid iid nl
milcke id ob id ob nl
Veneger a bottell iiid a bottell iiid nl
Condett watter vid vid nl
Some xxis viiid
ffarrayne disbursmentes this weeke as appers viis ixd ob nl
Some vS
Lyghtes iiiili at iiiid ob xviiid iiili xiiid ob nl
Syses - nl dili ixd nl
Some is xd ob
heaye - nl vitr iiiis xitr
Strawe - nl iiitr xiid xviitr
provender iiiis iiii dosen iiiis nl
Some ixs
Tallwoode - nl quarterLo iis viid quarterlo
Charcolles xv
Sackes at xiid a sa }
xvs iiisa iiis xiisa
Seacolles - nl nl xviiibu viis vid iiCha di

Some Totall of
this weekes
Expencis is } iiiili xis viiid ob

Notes and Questions

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Sara Schliep

Line 20: Ink stain obscures the amount, but if it's 8 pence, the total sum works out, so I've put in 3 iii's and marked them as unclear.

Sara Schliep

Line 71: last column, I think that's an abbreviation q^r for quarter

Sara Schliep

Line 74: Tewette probably refers to "tewhit/tewit" a lapwing or pewit (a bird of the plover family)