Sr Peter Killigrewe - 80£i
By vertue of an Ordinance of both Howses of Parliament of the xxjth daie of September. 1643. And in pursuance of an Order of the Commons Howse of the xxviijth daie of Januarie last. these are to will & require you Out of such threasure as now is, or shall be remaninge in your hands, to Paie unto Sr Peter Killagrewe knight the Sume of Fowerscoure pounds for his paines & charges for sundrie Journies by him performed upon Messuages he hath bein imployed in from both Howses of Parliament unto Oxford & Uxbridge. And for soe doeing this together with his Acquittance for the Receipt of the sume shall be your Warrant & discharge; And alsoe to the Auditor generall, or any other Officer of the Revenue whom it may Concerne to Allowe and Passe the same in your Accompte. Dated at the Committee for his Maties Revenue sitting at Westminster the fourth daie of March. 1644.
H.Vane. John Trenchard Henry: Mildmay: Denis Bond F Rous [?]
To our Loving freind thomas Fauconbridge Esq Receivor generall of the Revenue.
Sr Peter Killagrewe