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life is not dependent on organization. We confess our
ideas are imperfect concerning what life is, but we
know what it is not. Life then consists in certain powers,
in a simple state only, a power to preserve itself &
it has higher powers, which became obvious as we
rise in the scale of being. There are two other terms
frequently made use of & the definitions of which you
will hear from another chair. These are irratability & sensibility
On the subject of sympathy I shall give you a few
observations. This we define to be action from remote
impression, and has had several names as consents of
parts et&c. So extensive is the influence of this over the
animal economy that a a knowledge of it
is quite as important as the circulation of the blood.
It has been divided into partial and universal.
An instance of universal sympathy is afforded in
these fevers which result from local diseases. Partial
sympathy is divided into remote, contiguous and
continuous. Remote is where a part is affected which

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