



Status: Complete


Lucatella Balsome

Take A pint of Oleas Solatis 2 ^ drams Ounce ^ of
of venice turpintine, wash it in Rosewater
till it be white, and dry till the water be off
3 drams of white wax. Incorporate all
togather 1 dram of red sanders the best
in powder, set them over A gentle fire, stir
them with A wooden stick, boyl them as long as
you would boyl an Egg; Strain them through
A Cloath, let itt be noe harder than butter

Emplaster magistralis

Take 1/2 A pint Of Sallit Oyl 1 dram of
venus Ceres, 1 dram of Litharge of Gold
1 Ounce of Litharge of Silver 2 drams of
white wax venus ceres, Litharge of gold
& silver beat into fine powder searce through
Diffine put the oyl & Litharge of gold & Silver
togathar & boil them to an height put in your Ceres
last of all with A gentle fire. & when it comes
to A purple colour take A little upon A knife
point & drop itt into A Skeel of cold water &
if you feel itt potable like wax Sink downe
to the bottome. keep then allway's stirring with
A wooden Stick. Precipitate & burnt Allom,
to eat bad flesh.

For the Stone

Take white wine posset drink & boil parsle
& polipodium of the wall, take it up & put
the Joice of A lemmon & parmacity as much
as will cover A Shilling & 2 spoonfull of ^ the oyl
of Allmones & put thereto nutmeg & sugar &
soe drink it.

For A sore throat & mouth

Take quince Cores & ke^rnells & boilthem in rose water
& Sugar To A gelly & soe let it disolve in the mouth.


A Diet Drink for the Scurvy

Brew wine or 10 Gallons of drink with 1/2 A Bushell
of malt, boiling in the wort. 4 handfulls
of water cresses as much Agrimony 1/2 as much
Roman of ffrench worme wood & after it is
well boyled and worked in the ffat, that it is riddy
to tunn then put into it the Joyce of half A
Bushell of Lochlearia or Scorvy Grass being
pounded or Strain'd hard & soe tunn it up to keep
to drink after A fortnight, in the morneing and after
before ^ Supper, and any other time att pleasure.

you may some times hang in the vessell an Ounce
of sasafras if the tast offend not which is not very

To make Gilly

Take the Shaveings of harts horne newly rasped one
Ounce or the weight of 8s in silver fair water
A pint & white wine or Renish wine put this into
A pipkin and set it over embers without boiling
12 hours then increase the fire that it may boil
gently and continually vntill 1/2 the liquer be con=
sumed. Then put into that 2 spoonfull of Coriander seed
prepar'd A Stick of Cinnamon the weight of 12d and
Manus Christi made with pearle one Ounce & then
let all boil very gently & continually vntill some
of the Liquor being cold in A spoon will become
A thine Gilly which then may be power'd or strained
through A dry Straner into Gally pot or Glass and
soe kept

Of this Gilly you may take 2 or 3 small spoon=
full either of it selfe or dissolved in a draught of
thine warme broth or clear possitt drink, also you
may take A good spoonfull of that warme or cold
1/2 an hour before dinner & supper or last att
night before sleep 3 or 4 dayes in A weak


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